Palaeo Down Under 3, July 2023 - Perth, Western Australia
The Organising Committee extends our sincerest thanks to all attendees and contributors to Palaeo Down Under 3 (PDU3) in July 2023. Palaeo Down Under is the Australasian Palaeontologists’ main conference, and aims to highlight palaeontological research, education and outreach throughout Australasia.
The 2023 abstract booklet is available for download!
Behind the #PDU3 conference logo!
Congratulations to UQ honours student and illustrator Nellie Pease for her winning entry! Nellie has included the following description with her winning design:
“I've included a few key fossils from Western Australia in this logo. From the centre outwards, I've included the string-of-pearls Horodyskia williamsii fossils, the Shark Bay stromatolites, the trace fossils of the Tumblagooda Sandstone, the arthropod Kalbarria, a Gogo fish, some Permian glossopterids, some Jurassic conifers and ferns, the Broome dinosaur trackways, and Thylacoleo. They're arranged roughly in chronological order, in the shape of an ammonite, to represent WA's Miria Marl fossils, which are the largest collection of Cretaceous ammonites in the world. I wanted to include some plant and invertebrate fossils in this, to show that palaeontology is the study of all living things over all evolutionary time - not just the big recognisable ones!”